With this successful procedure behind me, I can focus on healing. One of the major changes is that I no longer have ARVD. I will continue to learn about this condition and share with you, as it is something that so little is known about. I am no longer a mutant, but I am still an advocate.
Original Info from I am a Mutant:
ARVD (Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia) is a condition of the heart. In many cases, it is caused by a genetic mutation of a specific gene. That seems to be the case with me, since my family history is filled with life-altering and life-threatening heart conditions; hence the idea that I am a Mutant.

My heart is enlarged. I do not yet know if this is normal for those with ARVD, I just know it is the case for me. To be specific, it is my right ventricle that is enlarged. As it has grown over the years (thanks for letting me love some of you enough to make it grow so much), the tissue has... thinned out as the heart has to pump harder and faster to keep up the flow of things. With ARVD, the heart deposits "little islands of fat" in the right ventricle to make up for that tissue loss. These Little Islands of Fat (which, by the way, was totally another contender for the title of this blog) disrupt the blood and electrical flows of my heart. This, in turn, causes me to have chest pains, dizziness, and fatigue. The best part (insert sarcasm here) is when I pass out. At church. In front of friends and strangers. It's awesome. (Now go back and re-read that with the sarcasm inserted.) When all of that goes on long enough, you tend to think something is really wrong. Now we know, something is really wrong! You can read more of my story on my music blog. (I am a music composer, by the way. You should come audition for me!)
If I stop and think about everything I have read on this condition, I mean really stop and think about it, I could get a bit scared. I know some of my loved ones are. Really, though, I am not scared. I am at peace about it all. The Lord has been preparing me for this for quite some time and I know He is holding my hand through this whole journey. I know I am in
My name is Jenny McKinney, I am a Mutant, and I really want some chocolate.
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