Today was awesome. Well, not really. Like any other day, it had it's ups and downs. That reminds me of the song from the animated Robin Hood movie.... ok, getting off subject. I am a home schooling mom. Today, I worked on getting the curriculum ready. I truly am excited about that. Between school planning and doing normal mom things, like making meals, I did not get any rest. (Not to mention on Saturday I was gone to a conference for a total of 13 hours. Yeah.. no rest then, either.) Now, I have never been very good at resting when I need to, but this year has changed that. I really, truly strive to rest, especially since my diagnosis came in and it became docs orders. I take naps nearly everyday and lay down more often than I like to admit. However, today was not one of those days. Who else is going to be the mom?
I needed groceries so I can make some freezer meals in prep for recovery time. My brother kindly drove me to the store. I felt fine, or at least, I thought I did. I was only half way through my grocery list when my heart started misbehaving and I decided to try the awesome pawesome "let's make people think I am trying to hang upside down" move. You know the one.... where you are standing and bend over to put your head between your knees, but your head does not really reach that far, so you look more like a monkey than a possum. Three times I did that in the store. Three times no one said anything, for which I am grateful. I finished the shopping after only walking through the whole store three times. (One day, I will learn the layout. Today is not that day.)
As we were walking out to the car, I decided to try the awesome pawesome move two more times because, well, who wants to keep walking normally when you can almost pass out instead? Thankfully, I didn't pass out, but I got really close. My brother put the groceries in the car for me, which was very sweet, since he has been recovering from his own (not of the heart) surgery. I just sat in the car, grabbed my hydration drink and guzzled away. When I got home, I rested.... sort of.
Regretfully, all of those people who were not paying attention to my cool moves will never know what it is like to see a woman trying to look like an awesome pawesome. Or will they......
My name is Jenny McKinney. I am Awesome, I don't like possums and I really want some chocolate.
Forcing yourself to cough really hard has helped me when about to pass out. Not sure it does for everyone, but check it out, it looks a little less funny. :) But there's nothing wrong with looking funny either, especially when it comes to health!!