I am writing this post for a few reasons.
1- I want you to know that I still have very real struggles in my life.
2- So people will realize what happened to me was not a life-fixer, but a life-saver
3- To help you see to not waste your time on the people who create toxicity in your life. Celebrate life with those who support you, believe you (and the doctors) and believe in you. It is they that truly matter.
The heart struggles are still very real in that it has only been 10 days since the doctors saved my life. I am still sore. I am still bruised. I am still tired. Everyday, I get better and better and I know one day, I will be completely whole again. I look forward to that day. I look forward to everyday, for that matter.

You have heard my heart story, but there is more to it. Without going into great detail, I will say this past week, I was accused of making up my heart condition. The accusation came from someone I used to be very close to, but due circumstances in our late teens, that tie had to be broken. We only recently made contact again and have worked on mending our relationship. Now, I have chosen to severe those ties again. This is not because I cannot forgive. It is because I will not stand to be called a liar. Because I was heart healthy in my youth, it was assumed I always have been. Obviously this is not true. ARVD is real. I had it. I could show all the medical records and hospital bills from the past 16 years, but really, what good will that do when I am not believed anyway?

I speak the truth. My heart was broken. Now it is fixed. What the doctors were able to do (combined with the other two factors- I call it the Triple Threat) did not fix my life, but it definitely saved it. I still have financial struggles with my hubby. I still have a boy with Asperger's and ADHD. I still have a little girl who desperately wants her own room again. I still am living with family and not yet in our own home. I still have bills to pay. I still have people who do not like me. I still make mistakes. But.... my heart does not skip beats all day long. I no longer pass out. I am able to drive again. I am able to exercise again. My heart can race and I will not die from it.
Dr. B and his team saved me. I. Am. Alive.
It is all right to let go of those who only bring you down. You are not here to please them. You are here to reach your divine potential. So celebrate! Go out and find a friend that lifts you up and helps you laugh! Sing while in the shower! Dance in the rain with your kids! Fill your life with joy, happiness and light!! Those who can bring these feelings into your life are the ones you want to continue on with. Keep smiling and always remember who you are.
I took several pictures tonight- ones that would prove I actually did get a series of tests ran (again) and as a result of the findings I did end up getting a heart procedure in the hospital. I wanted to "prove" something in the off chance that the non-believers read this entry. I have decided, however, that it will do no good. It is a battle I choose to not fight. My life is fully blessed with people who love me, enrich my soul and most of all.... who believe me. For me, that is enough.
My name is Jenny McKinney. My pants are not on fire and I really want some chocolate.
You are so amazing. After all of our talks, I am still amazed at the strength and faith that you have in our Savior. You are a light for many in the rather dark world. You are a walking miracle, and thanks to the guidance of the Savior, Doctors were able to help this miracle happen. I can honestly say that I know you to be very truthful, loving, caring, talented, and amazing Daughter of God. Love you, dear sister.
ReplyDeleteYou rock, and you know *I* believe you!!!!! :o) Mwah!
ReplyDeleteI want some chocolate, too!