Chocolate makes everything better. At least, in my world it does. One of the great things about having a heart condition is that scientists have learned dark chocolate is actually good for the heart. Did I hear that right? Dark chocolate? Good for my heart? Um, hello! That just happens to be my favorite kind of chocolate!! My heart just happens to need a bit of improving upon. What does this mean? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? To me, this means that I can indulge in a bit of dark chocolate on occasion and not feel guilty. It means that when I really want some chocolate chip cookies, I can buy those special dark chips and know I am doing my heart some good.
To me, chocolate (specifically dark chocolate) is like a warm fuzzy, a mother's hug, a little child's sweet, sticky kiss. It radiates the sweetness and love that is hard to feel anywhere else. When I am struggling from a difficult heart day, or a day where the kids have been not their best selves, or the bills have maxed out my stress level, I want chocolate. I want something chunky, chocolaty and maybe a bit crunchy. It makes me feel euphoric. And when I take a bite of that amazing cookie that is full of those dark chocolate chips, all is right with the world again.
Please do not sign me up to go on the next Dr. Phil episode. (Is that show still on?) I used to be an emotional eater. I was really addicted to food for.... everything. Then, when we thought I had Lupus, I had to make some serious changes with my eating habits. Although I still like to turn to the carton of ice cream once in a while, it is more because I simply want to have ice cream, not because I just loss the game of Chess to my 11-year-old son. Again. There is nothing wrong with wanting a sweet treat- a chocolate treat- now and again. (After all, it is good for you!)
Maybe if moms still had cookies and milk on the table at the end of the school day, there would be less problems in the world. That seems to be the case in our household, anyway.
My name is Jenny McKinney. I really want some chocolate because chocolate makes everything better.
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