Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Celebrating Success

It was back in August, the week of my one year heart-i-versary, that my dear friend, Jodi, took a series of heart pictures to celebrate my one year mark of my miracle. I was a little bummed that I forgot my earrings and lipstick for part of the photo shoot, but the pictures came out so beautifully, that I am not at all worried about those minor things missing. I am SO grateful for the pictures I was blessed to have taken to show my progress. I am in awe of the progress my body has made this past year. I look in the mirror and am astounded at the change of coloring, the healthy hair, the eye lashes growing back.

When my heart first started spiraling out of control, I drastically put on a whopping 40 pounds in 2 months... and this was while exercising regularly! Over the years, as my heart was not functioning properly, it was very difficult to get that extra weight off, although I exercised all the time. More frustrating to me was that I had always been slender and active, until things took the sour turn for the worst. Now that my body is functioning properly, I am setting more and more goals of things I want to accomplish with my health. The most recent was to reach a mark of losing a little more than half that weight I had gained. I am happy to say that since these pictures were taken, I have lost another 9 pounds. This morning, my total loss of the 40 pounds (which I began keeping track of in January) is 23 pounds!! I am thrilled that God has blessed me to have this success. I am grateful for the friend who provided her beautiful tree for these pictures. I am thankful for my friend, who helped bring out the beauty of my grateful, healthy soul.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am a survivor.... and I just had some chocolate!


  1. I love the photos! You're an amazing woman! And yes, you ARE a survivor!
