Ah, I love that moment.... that moment when suddenly everything clicks into place. Everything. Some of you know what I am talking about. It is the moment when I see the clouds slightly part above the steeple I am driving by first thing in the morning. That moment when God whispers to my soul, "Are you understanding yet? There is a purpose to everything under heaven. The heartaches, the depression, the surgery, the financial struggles, friendships lost and gained. All things come together to work for your good and My glory when we allow them to." THAT is the moment I am talking about. Today is one of those moments. Let me explain.
A few weeks ago, I finally made a very public admission: I have been struggling. I truly had no idea that I would receive such an outpouring of love. I very much felt near tangible prayers and love begin to pull me out of that dark place. There were notes of love, emails, phone calls- you name it! While I absolutely am grateful for all of those thoughts on my behalf, there are a few comments that especially struck me deeply that I want to share. Positive thoughts truly are a huge part of my healing process, both physically and emotionally.
From my friend, Erin, whom I met through a facebook group, but she became a heart sister very quickly:
love you, Jenny! I know you know Heavenly Father loves you. But you
have had to be strong through some heavy stuff for a long time. I hope
you know you don't need to be "stronger" - you just need support and
friendship. You need safe, trusted, loving friends to rally around you
over time. I pray for you that you receive that! It will do more than
medicine. I hope my words that follow offer some understanding to those
in your social circle locally and touch some hearts in your behalf.
my peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) (pregnancy-related heart failure),
even after my heart was no longer enlarged, no longer in chronic heart
failure, and the left ventrical function returned to normal, and so on,
it took a long, long time for the rest of my body to catch up and heal.
Even now, 7 years after diagnosis, my heart is deconditioned. It will
take some vigorous exercise and consistency over time to get it stronger
and reduce my high heart rate.
people caught up in the busy-ness of their lives don't understand that
when your heart takes a hit - your whole body takes a hit. What's more,
our emotions are impacted - our bodies, spirits, and emotions are
intricately intertwined. That doesn't recover overnight just because the
heart start beating normally again. Also, we have endured trauma - and
that certainly takes time and sometimes other work or help to recover
just beginning the path of your recovery, my friend. I've been an admin
for a support group for several years for women with PPCM, and I can
tell you that your feelings and needs are normal and understandable. I
hope you receive the listening ear, the help and support you need. Love
you, Jenny. So glad you're reaching out.
From my dear friend, Sandi, who has known me my whole life, and knows me better than most. She is my soul sister in every way.
are no longer the girl with the mysterious heart issue. Your identity
was wrapped up in that label for so long that you are now struggling
with moving forward without that label that you hated but at the same
time became a part of you. You will find yourself again. There is beauty
all around you. You were afraid of experiencing true joy because you
were afraid of losing it. Feel joy. See the beauty now with hope, not
fear. I love you.
That love has stayed with me. Your love has stayed with me. I feel my heart getting better. My energy is returning, albeit slower than I would like. And the darkness? While I am sure I will still have bouts of it here and there throughout my life, for now, the darkness I have been experiencing for weeks is simply.... gone!
Love has lifted me to a higher place
God has granted me this love through His grace
It has taken my soul to a place I now know
Your love has helped me be whole
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your love.
My name is Jenny McKinney. I am healing and.... I already had chocolate. (It was frosting on a donut!)
Go to: Healing- Part II
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