As a Review:
When I got my official diagnosis of ARVD, my doctor determined it was a genetic condition, because of my family history. Although we did not run any tests to make that official, it was pretty for sure. This put my children at a 50% risk of carrying the gene. The plan was to get them tested so we can be prepared if they do have it. The plan for me was to get the Electrophysiology Study done, alblate the misbehaving circuits in my heart, if they could find them, (it really is a guessing game) then implant a loop recorder, which I would wear for up to three years. This was all to be done yesterday, then later this week I would go back to get the ICD implant, which I would wear the rest of my life. Things did not go quite like planned. This is the miracle.
A Few Factors:
First, let me explain that I strongly feel there are several factors to the miracle taking place. To do this, I need to share a bit of history I have not before, because it is so deeply personal that I did not think it proper to share publicly. If I am to use my life to bring glory and honor to God, then I feel that it is now the right time to share this. You can believe this or not, but I speak only the truth and this is my story.
Back in November, I was in my studio (aka- garage) working on selecting music for my songbook I was putting together, when I had a wonderful experience. This is not the kind of experience that is normal to all, but it is quite common in my life. I was prompted by the Holy Ghost to began getting my music and other affairs in order. There was very specific instruction given and I was told that if things continued as they were going with my heart, I would not be here very long. Specifically, I would have maybe 2 years to live. If I found a way to get my heart under control, I would be here longer, but still not as long as I want to be. (There was much more to it, but this is the basic info.) With that news, I collapsed to the floor, weeping. I knew I had to do something, but what? A few minutes later, my hubby came home from work and we talked about this revelation and prayed together. We knew that if we did all we could on our end, the Lord would allow me to be here to see my children raised- at least a while longer. I decided I would take whatever time I could get and live my life to the best I could, making memories with my family and bringing glory to my Heavenly Father and Savior. You can read what happened next here.
The Miracle Formula:
Personal fast and prayer is part of the miracle. Through the promptings of the Spirit, we have known what to do seemingly every step of the way. As I began going through the testing, I was fasting and praying about the right course of treatment to take. It was told to me very clearly that if the doctors told me I needed to get any kind of procedure done, I was to do it. So when I got to Utah and was told I needed these life saving procedures, I knew I could not argue it. We scheduled for August 12.

Great nutrition has played a major key in the miracle; not just any nutrition, though.: Lunarich nutrition. During these months, I was introduced to this product that I absolutely 100% am convinced changed the outcome of my heart procedure. Again, this is only one ingredient in the
Miracle Formula, but definitely a big part of it. Remember when the doc said this was genetic? Basically, this product makes negative genes no longer function and wakes up positive, healthy genes. So when you hear about what he said after surgery, this is why I believe he was lead to his decision.
YOU are the other part of the Miracle Formula. I had friends of every age, all over the world, fasting and/or praying for me. That was you! It was because of those prayers, because of your unwavering faith, that I am absolutely sure caused the miracle to happen. For that, I will always love you. I will always be grateful.
Of course, the other part of the formula was the guided, prompted hands of the doctors and nurses that treated my heart. I know if Dr. B had not combined his expertise with spiritual guidance, things could have been a lot different.
The Waiting Game:
I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 11:30 am. I was prepped for the procedure fairly quickly and we thought I would be in the lab (aka the heart and lung operating room) by 12:30. My mom and I (She stayed with me the whole day. Love my mom!) were updated every 20-30 minutes, making us aware there was a bit of a wait. The patient in the lab before me, also under Dr. B's skilled hands, was having some complications. They kept finding something else wrong with her heart and had to fix it while she was in there. Who was I to complain? I pray they were able to mend her heart.
Meanwhile, I looked over the paperwork with my nurse and the orders said I was to have all the procedures done that day. This included: the Electrophysiology Study (heart cath), ablation, the loop recorder implanted, and the ICD implant (which I originally was told would be later in the week, remember.) A bit unsure as to what to prep me for, Nurse Patti called Dr. B in the lab. He said to prep me for everything. You see, the study we knew for sure was going to happen. Then, IF they could find the misbehaving circuit, they would fix it by ablating it, which would reroute the electricity in my heart. They also were going to implant a loop recorder under my skin. This device would allow them to see all of my heart comings and goings. The final procedure would be the ICD, but until we got into the lab, we would not know for sure if I was going to get it that day. However, when he said to prep me and have me plan on staying overnight, I knew I was going to be going home the next day with a device permanently implanted in my chest. I realized that if this is what he felt he was to do, it was what the Lord wanted for me, to keep me here. I was at peace with that.
It was nice to have the day with my mom, but really, she needed to put her feet up and I wanted to have it all done with. I am not a patient person, but at least the nurses and aides were fabulous and the bed was super comfy. However, fasting 6 hours before my time to go in, then having another 5 hours added to that fast was not the easiest thing in the world to do. (Ah well! It's over and done and I have eaten plenty since then!) It was finally 4:30pm before I got wheeled into the lab. When I left the house that morning, my little girl (6 years) ran outside and yelled, "Go get your heart fixed... and bring us presents!!" I informed the medical staff in the lab of her instructions to fix my heart. They said that is what they intended to do. Yay! Here we go! My heart was about the be in their hands.
My name is Jenny McKinney. The story is about to get amazing and I really do want some chocolate.
The Miracle of my Heart- Part II
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