I woke up at precisely a quarter after 5 this morning and am grateful I did. (I just typed that in my best British accent, by the way. Now I am thinking in a British accent.) I have to fast for 6 hours prior to my surgery, which means I could not eat past 5:30 am. Not wanting to wake anyone by fixing a large breakfast, I grabbed a cup of yogurt and a spoon and headed to eat while ..... in the privy. (Yep,
still British. I
am a huge Jane Austen and BBC fan, you know.) I ate, finished my business, then after washing my hands, brushed my teeth so I was not tempted to eat the remainder of the morning. Here we are, 30 minutes later and I am
starving!! The good news is there is only now 5 1/2 hours until I prep for surgery. Bravo!
(Back to my regular, western tone, folks.) As nervous as I am about having... gulp... surgical equipment taken to my body today and later this week, deep down, I am relieved. For 16 years I have struggled with the fainting, the dizziness, the irregular rhythms. I realize that everything will not be perfect after the surgeries, but they will be
much better than they have been. For that, I am most grateful.

Late last night, I had a long conversation with one of my very dearest friends. She reminded me of a conversation we had several months back about the state of my health. She told me, "Jenny, you said that if this doctor (Dr. L in Idaho) could not give you answers, you would be done with doctors. You got answers and now something is being done. Obviously the Lord is not done with you yet." This brings great comfort to my heart (no pun intended... ok, maybe a little bit). Who am I to argue when the Lord is done with me?
Now today, I will put my heart in the hands of the doctors who are being the hands of the Lord. I know they will be guided in searching for the misbehaving circuits to fix and that will be as it is supposed to. Whatever happens, I fully trust in their care and capabilities. I know they will be guided and that my heart will be better because of their expertise and training. All will be well, because
God is at the wheel.
My name is Jenny McKinney. My heart begins to change today and to celebrate I
really want some chocolate (but since I am fasting, I won't have any.) Cheerio!
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