Wednesday, August 28, 2013

WARNING: A Bit of a Personal Entry

USE CAUTION!! Today's post is a bit... personal.  I know, I know- this whole blog is personal! This post, however, is not something I would normally share outside of a conversation with very close girlfriends or with my husband.  Since it directly relates to my healing from ARVD, I felt it pertinent to share. If you do not like talk about female related issues, then please feel free to stop reading now.

Sometime during all of the testing I had, I asked one of the medical staff (not sure of their job title) if what was happening with my heart could be related to (here comes the super personal, female related subject) my menstrual cycle every month... because for years I have been passing blood clots with each one. Many blood clots. These have been anywhere from the size of a quarter to the size of a baseball. No, I never had it checked out, bc as you may have learned about me already, I do not go to the doctor generally speaking. I wondered if the messed up rhythm of my heart was somehow causing me to form clots. She did not know but said we could ask. It never came up again.

Now, as my cycle for this month is passing the time I would normally pass clots, I have to wonder:  How does the heart effect a woman's reproductive flow of things? Since our heart is the organ responsible for pumping blood through our bodies, would it stand to reason that if we had the appropriate blood flow a woman's body would not have some of the struggles it has? Heavy bleeding, cramping, etc. caused at time by Endometriosis or some other woman's dis-ease? If our hearts worked properly, does it reduce problems in other areas of our bodies? Several years ago, it was discovered that my father's blood was too thick to circulate properly through his body. When the problem was corrected, he began to function much better emotionally and physically. Could the same go for women and their cycles? (I know some of you are science whiz's and may already know this, but I am not one and I am only discovering this after my own experiences with ARVD.)

You see, this month, since my heart has been restored, my cycle has no longer been filed with blood clots! This is the first time for as long as I can remember having them that they have not formed! In addition to that, there has been less cramping. And believe me.... I had some serious cramping my whole womanly life! I have never been check for Endo, but it is highly hereditary among the women in my family and chances are, I have struggled with it. In addition to the blood issue, my skin is no longer dry as it has been much of my life, but moist. Not oily, but moist! With these changed in my body, I can conclude that fixing the issue of my heart = a better everything!!

I am excited to see what other changes are in store. If my facial skin can become moist and my menstrual cycles can become more manageable, then who knows what will happen? Maybe one day, I can rule the world! Mwahahaha!! (Evil Laugh)

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am feeling excited about life and I really want some chocolate!!

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