Monday, December 29, 2014

The Truth Shall Set You Free

It has been a quiet time for me on the computer these past few months as my laptop crashed and I do not get on the family computer for extended periods of time. It is so different from my own computer that I find myself not being as appreciative that we even have a nice computer. That gets my wheels turning, though. How often do we have something decent, lovely, useful, etc. and we do not appreciate it, because it is not what we wanted, nor what we planned on having? How often do we begrudge our life's journey because it is not the direction we planned on taking? How often do we allow ourselves to become bitter towards another, even God, because life has not worked out to our specifications? No more for me! It is the end of a year of Conquering Mountains and now onto a year of Renewed Hope.

Each year, I choose a phrase or word, instead of setting a bunch of New Years Resolutions I will never complete. As 2014 is winding down, and I look back, I see that I truly did Conquer Mountains. I look forward to 2015 with Renewed Hope- hope in my body getting stronger, hope in strengthening friendships and mending relationships, hope in being more proactive in my music, hope in other human beings also trying to do good in this world. The goals I set will be throughout the year with the theme "Renewed Hope" and that theme will be my motivation for becoming better.

Ready to run.... or walk
Back in September, I ran a 5K. I know... I did not write about it here, but lucky you, I will include pictures today. Last night, I had a long, continuous dream about my family spending time with my heart surgeon's family. In this dream, Jared (the first name of my doc) and I had a lengthy conversation about how my progress has been, and how difficult it has been on my emotions that family members do not believe in all I went through. He shared with me some insight that helped me feel peace this morning. He told me that I know what I went through, my husband and children know what I went through, he- my heart surgeon- knows what I went through, but most important, God knows what I went through. The rest does not matter, he shared. They choose to believe what they choose to believe. He said to me, "Jenny, I was inside your heart. I literally know what is in there! Your heart was damaged but God granted you a miracle and He healed it! That is what you need to share!" So, share I will!

I share this to all who care to read. I share this for those that might need a reminder that God loves you and that He is real. My heart was broken, and now it is healed. God did this for me!

When I was 20 years old and experiencing difficulties with my first pregnancy, I was diagnosed with arrhythmia. For the next 14 years, I was in and out of hospitals and doctors offices trying to find out why it was so bad I would pass out without notice, why it was so bad that I would go into A-Fib and V-Tac. What was causing this?! For two years, I was tired so I stopped going in for tests. All I was ever told was that something was wrong and they (the doctors) could not figure out what it was. Finally, with some gentle pushing, my loved ones convinced me to go in one more time to see a new doctor. My darling nurse friend went with me, explaining from a medical point of view how she had seen me pass out time and time again with no warning. She shared insight I was not even aware my body was doing! That was in early 2013.

Just finished!
In May 2013, I went through my last set of heart tests. I was lead to a heart specialist that told me she would keep digging until she found answers. (Side note: That first time I met her my heart rate was at 53 bpm and my blood pressure was about 84/42. She said I should not have been so conscious and talking. I told her it was the norm for me. Again- God did that! He kept me alive!) In June, our family moved to Utah from Idaho while I was still wearing my 30-day halter monitor. We moved because my husband and I had it confirmed to us through the Holy Ghost that I was going to die and we needed to be near family to help with the kids once I was gone.

Dr. L called me the following week with results. She had sought out a second opinion before she called me. It was... really bad and I needed heart surgery to save my life. I was diagnosed with a CHD- which means I was born with this condition. Wow! I was sent in to another specialist in Salt Lake for a third opinion, in which he agreed. "You should not even be alive," Dr. B told me. "You are at high risk for Sudden Cardiac Death. I cannot believe you have not had a massive heart attack or have dropped dead yet. You need surgery asap." Without it, I would die.

I was put on strict bed rest for the next five weeks. If my heart rate got up to 120, it would kill me. The day before my surgery was scheduled, I woke up to it racing at 110 bpm. For me, that was life-threatening. It would not have taken much more to send me into cardiac arrest.

Several days prior to surgery I started taking a micro-nutrient that actually changes DNA. I had amazing results.

On August 12, 2013 I went in for major heart surgery. That day, friends from all over the world were
My heart family
fasting for me and my doctors, many souls were praying as well. I had been given a priesthood blessing just before I went to the hospital. Hours later, when I finally went under the knife, a miracle had taken place. All of the problems that had been showing up on the tests were almost non-existent. My heart had almost completely been healed. The medical team mapped out my entire heart and was puzzled because it simply... was not there. All of the detailed, life-threatening issues were mostly... gone. I came out of surgery with a minor procedure instead of a major surgery. I was told I am going to be just fine.

Behind closed doors, my doctor and I say "miracle" but on paper, my diagnosis was actually changed. It truly is a miracle!!

I am healthy. I am starting to get my energy back, and I look forward to living out a long, full life. God did this. He granted my family a miracle. There is no other way to explain it. He worked through fasting, prayer, blessings, and proper nutrition to heal my body. This, I can never deny, for if I do, I would be denying the truth of my God. That, I can never do.

With this post comes the end of this blog. My life's journey has just begun and my heart is healthy and happy. I will spend the new year focusing on sharing my story (in depth) along with my music and doing motivational speaking. Thank you for sharing in this journey with me. It has been a thrill. You are lovely and good and oh, so LOVED by God!! May He always keep you in His ever-lasting care.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am a walking miracle. I am a survivor. Like always.... I really want some chocolate.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Celebrating Success

It was back in August, the week of my one year heart-i-versary, that my dear friend, Jodi, took a series of heart pictures to celebrate my one year mark of my miracle. I was a little bummed that I forgot my earrings and lipstick for part of the photo shoot, but the pictures came out so beautifully, that I am not at all worried about those minor things missing. I am SO grateful for the pictures I was blessed to have taken to show my progress. I am in awe of the progress my body has made this past year. I look in the mirror and am astounded at the change of coloring, the healthy hair, the eye lashes growing back.

When my heart first started spiraling out of control, I drastically put on a whopping 40 pounds in 2 months... and this was while exercising regularly! Over the years, as my heart was not functioning properly, it was very difficult to get that extra weight off, although I exercised all the time. More frustrating to me was that I had always been slender and active, until things took the sour turn for the worst. Now that my body is functioning properly, I am setting more and more goals of things I want to accomplish with my health. The most recent was to reach a mark of losing a little more than half that weight I had gained. I am happy to say that since these pictures were taken, I have lost another 9 pounds. This morning, my total loss of the 40 pounds (which I began keeping track of in January) is 23 pounds!! I am thrilled that God has blessed me to have this success. I am grateful for the friend who provided her beautiful tree for these pictures. I am thankful for my friend, who helped bring out the beauty of my grateful, healthy soul.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am a survivor.... and I just had some chocolate!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

More Than a Year

The Ladies in the 'Hood
I missed writing it- about my one year heart-iversary, mostly because August was a really busy month. Then, my laptop crashed and to be truthful, I do not enjoy blogging on the family computer. I decided before anymore time passes, I should share, because my one year was so great and I feel very blessed. God is good to me, of this there is no doubt.

August 12th of last year, I went in for my surgery and had my miracle. August 12th this year was wonderful! I was able to spend the day with ladies in my neighborhood, making freezer meals for a darling family I have come to know and love deeply. They had a preemie baby at 27 weeks and the mama then suffered from a bad infection. The baby still fights for his life every day. We wanted to do something to help. What better way to show God gratitude than by serving His children?

Linda and I
That evening, some girlfriends in the neighborhood took me out for ice cream. I loved being with these ladies! They made me feel so blessed to live where I do. We went around the table and shared a little about each of ourselves. It was so fun to get to know them better! Of course, Linda was my server. It seems every time I have gone to this place of deliciousness, she takes my order. We have become pals and always delight in seeing each other. On the way home, my young friend, Macady, and I took some fun pictures of ourselves in the car. (Scroll down)

When I got home, the Hubby also surprised me with some gorgeous flowers to commemorate! How did I get so dang blessed?!

The weekend took my family back to Nampa, Idaho. My best girlfriend, Debbie, had her son returning home from his mission for the LDS Church and we wanted to be a part of that homecoming. Saturday morning, my darling friend, Kati threw me a heart luncheon after we had family pictures taken in the morning. (Along with the family pictures, I had my one year heart pictures taken.) I had about 30 women and even a few men come to celebrate the miracle of my heart. We had homemade guacamole with chips, chicken salad on crackers, and so much fun
Lovely Roses
and laughter! It was incredible to be back home and show off my new heart that God granted me. Nampa was the place we lived during the years that I was so sick. These were the friends who took care of me. To be able to sit there with them and just relax without any health concerns was such an incredible blessing!(I will post these pictures in my next few entries.)
Later in the month, The Hubby and I finally got to go celebrate my heartiversary. We went to really test what my heart can endure when we went to see the movie "Into the Storm". WOW!! That was INTENSE!! I have a fascination with end-of-the-world type movies and this one is (so far) at the top of my list. I do not think I stopped squeezing his hand for more than two minutes. It was a wonderful way to spend time together, and just being... alive.

The next evening, I had my last celebration for the month. I invited a few girlfriends to go out for a special dinner at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in downtown SLC. Not everyone was able to make it, but those that came had a lovely time. The reason I invited these particular friends was because their actions and love took on a deeper meaning in my healing process. These were those friends who held my hand through everything as I healed physically and emotionally form my heart trauma. Sometimes, you just have to celebrate a little bit differently with certain people in your life.

I am SO happy to be here to celebrate, to serve, and to enjoy life! God is so Good and knows what we each need. His plan is perfect. Time for me to share more and get back on the blogging wagon again!

My name is Jenny McKinney. I AM A SURVIVOR!! Here's to one year and eternity to come... and I really want some chocolate!! 
A Sneak Peak into the upcoming pictures!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Heaven's New Angels

I cannot write much today. My heart is deeply grieving and I really do not have any words.

It is a sacred place- to be in the heart community. There we fight together, laugh together, grieve together. Today, we are grieving that two more Heart Warriors have been called Home. 

A few days ago, Lindsay joined the angels. Last night, Ryder joined his friend. These previous fighters were just babies, yet they changed countless lives. May God bring comfort to the families of these warrior souls. Lindsay and Ryder, you will forever be loved and always be missed.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am honored to be among the Heart Warriors. There is no need for chocolate this day.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shake Your Booty

A couple of years ago, I was lying in bed, having a terrible time with my heart. My little girl - then 5 - cuddled with me and wanted to understand what it was doing. Saying a quick prayer that I would know how to answer her without scaring her, her young brain and old soul would grasp things I could not even comprehend yet. Inspired, I walked, ran, danced, my fingers along the blanket and explained, "Sometimes my heart walks; sometimes it runs, sometimes it dances. Sometimes it tries to do all at the same time. Sometimes when it is supposed to be walking it runs, then dances, then walks. Sometimes when it is supposed to run, it walks dances, stops to shake its booty, then walks again, shakes its booty, dances, jumps, flips, shakes its booty, because my heart cannot make up its mind!" By that point we were laughing so hard, tears were coming down our cheeks. It especially lifted me spirits when Princess B got up and pretended to be my heart, acting out what my hand just did. Talk about adorable! How grateful I am that she was able to join our family before my heart prevented me from bringing her into this world.

We had a lot of fun being silly as we talked about all the things my heart was trying to do. This video would have been most helpful to teach her about heart rhythms. It is not meant to offend, but hopefully be a tool and bring a little smile to your face as these doctors use their bodies to explain a few rhythms.

Life is so serious so much of the time. Yet often, in the midst of the trials, there is so much joy to be found, if only we are open to receiving it. I hope the video brings you a little joy.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I used to have a funny heart rhythm. Now I just have funny cravings for chocolate.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

5K a-coming!!

I did it!! I FINALLY registered for a 5K!! This may not be the marathon I planned on running this fall, but it sure is a big step towards that ultimate goal. Intermountain Healing Hearts is hosting this run and walk. You should come do it with me! You even get a t-shirt!! YEAH!! I cannot WAIT! Saturday, September 6th... I will be there celebrating my healthy heart. Who's with me?!

My name is Jenny McKinney. My heart is healthy and I am going to CELEBRATE... with chocolate!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

To the Vampires Who Cared...

Saturday was a truly monumental day for me. I was a the homeschooling fair that (by default) I was in charge of. One of the committee members arranged to have the American Red Cross come with their bus for a blood drive. As I went to welcome the blood (aka: vampire) crew, I told the woman in charge that I really wanted to donate, but... and I let her know about the heart challenge last year. I expressed that I did not know if I would "pass" the test to donate. She encouraged me to come and see what we could figure out.

I have not been able to donate for over 5 years, because of my heart. In fact, I remember the last time I attempted to. It was at our church building in Nampa, ID. I went through the list of questions and sadly, things were bad enough with my heart that they had to excuse me from giving my blood away- blood that is a rare type and always in need. This time, though, I was determined to pass the test by sure will.

In the evening, I stood at the event microphone and announced the Red Cross needed 2-3 more volunteers to reach their goal for the day. I was going to attend, who was with me? I went back to the vampire bus. (Actually, I am pretty sure it hurt less than an actual vampire bite would.) As I sat and chatted with the gal in charge we not only had a few giggles over some of the questions, but we found out that- I PASSED!! I was able to donate blood! My heart is FINALLY well enough to give this service! Oh, I was thrilled!

After the questions were finished, I went to lie down on the bed, where the needle was (gulp) inserted (not a huge fan of needles) and the blood was taken from me, like a anteater sucking up it's favorite creatures. I was able to donate a full pint in 5 1/2 minutes- better than the average. While I was lying there, squeezing the little stress ball that helps my blood release easier, I had a nice chat with the man who was taking care of me at that point. He is a big, burly, teddy bear of a man. He wears a dark purple stethoscope and recently bought himself a dark purple, metallic Harley!! Who wouldn't when it is your favorite color? I would LOVE to see that bike!!

As the vampires no longer ask what type of blood one has, I offered the information. "O negative with an Rh negative factor," is what I told them. "They are going to LOVE you!" was the response. (From my understanding, my type of blood is the rarest, and it is also universal, so that makes me a prime donor.) We finished up my transfusion.... I mean donation... and I went on my way. Amazingly enough, I was not even dizzy. I was allergic to all the foods they offered, so I just went back to my table at the fair to eat my sun-warmed strawberries. Yum! (Not really.)

The vampires were superb. I shared with them a little of WHY I was SO emotional over donating blood. They were happy I was there, as was I.
A few of us Blood Heroes. I am on the far right.

It was easy, peasy to donate. The hardest part was answering the questions, as some of them made me giggle... a lot! If you are in the kind of health needed to donate, I suggest you do it! You get to be a Blood Hero because the blood you donate will absolutely save a life one day!  To the vampires who cared, thank you. Your caring about my healthy heart made me feel loved.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I can donate blood again... and vampires care enough to have chocolate cookies for you! Chocolate! Yum!!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Still Learning

As I think about growing up in Mesa, Arizona, I recall how I spent my summer days outside. 122 degrees or not, you could find me in the neighborhood swimming pool, climbing trees, or running barefoot through the field, even racing barefoot down the blacktop. Our family struggled financially, but we had a home to live in. We had our set of struggles for sure, but in looking back, I can remember many carefree days. We had no idea my heart would eventually be a ticking time bomb from a CHD that would lie dormant until I was an adult. I sometimes have wondered how much the strep infections I had lead the the weakening of my heart. Curiously, my heart now beats strong, with numerous days ahead- too many to count.

There are days when it is hard for me to believe that I am approaching the one year anniversary of my successful heart surgery. Where has the time gone? I am finally coming out of the struggle I've had of of not knowing which direction to take my life. Although it has taken a long time, I finally understand why God chose to spare me. I have a mission I have not yet completed. I have lives to touch, lessons to learn, others to assist. I cannot yet be as the angels when God still needs me here. The storms still rage around me, but there is peace in knowing where I am going. As long as I put my trust in God, He will guide me with His loving hand. Also, I am getting a bit excited, because I am going to be celebrating my one year heartiversary in a big way! I look forward to the new memories with a happy, healthy heart.

My own experiences are bringing me to people that have changed me life for good, people I would have not met otherwise. I have made some new friends who live just down the sidewalk from me. They have a brand new baby, just a month old. When he went in for his one week check-up, they learned he has a condition called Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR).  He was life-flighted from the doctors office to the Primary Children's Hospital (PCH) where they have one of the best cardiac heart teams in the country, if not the world. There, he had to have emergency open heart surgery (OHS) in order to live. Last night, they had to take their baby back to the hospital last night to admit him for an infection. During that time, I had the blessing of watching their eldest, barely two years old. I was in awe of the faith the parents of these baby boys carry. They have full trust in the doctors and in God that whatever is to come is supposed to be. Some may say they are naive. I say their faith is refreshing!

Late last night, after the parents came to pick up their eldest son, I sat down to research TAPVR. I found this website which is great at helping one learn about the various defects. During my research, I learned that there are 49 Congenital Heart Defects (CHD). FORTY-NINE!!! Do you know that 1 in 100 children are born with a CHD? My defect, ARVD, is classified under Electrophysiology Defects. Although I am no longer struggling with mine, I still read up on it, so I understand it better. This information may be critical in months and years to come.

It is not until now I have publicly shared some information. Until now, I was hoping there is nothing to tell. Yet, I feel compelled to share it, for there may be another mother who is enduring the same emotional turmoil that this mother's heart is feeling. There is a 50/50 chance my children will have my genetic condition. So far, my two eldest have not shown any signs. My third, however, is showing nearly every one. Curiosity strikes my spirit strongly as my husband and I prepare for our youngest son to see the cardiologist. On August 6th, we will take him to see a leading cardiologist at PCH. From there, it will be determined what tests are necessary, if any, to learn of the functions of his heart. As a mother and a CHD survivor, I know, I know there is something not quite right. I see it when he wakes up from a deep sleep and his heart is racing at more than 130 BPM. I see it when he walks down the hall, suddenly becoming super fatigued. I see it when we are out hiking together and I check his heart rate, where it has drastically dropped to the low 60's. Something is not quite right. I was hoping it was years before we would have to face this again, if ever. The time has come much sooner than I anticipated, especially only learning a year ago that one or more of my children may dace the same future as I. I just pray for strength on his behalf that whatever we are facing, he will survive.... that we will survive.

I know it is God's will in whatever is to come. He created B-Man's heart and mind. God knew what He was doing when He wired B-Man's brain in such a way that modern doctors would tell us he has autism. This same Creator also knew what He was doing when He put this exact heart in B-Man's body. It is a perfect heart- perfect for whatever lessons B needs to learn in this life and what God needs us to learn as well. God is perfect in His knowledge, even if we are not. Peace does not evade me, but instead permeates my soul. God is with us, walking this road- no matter where it leads.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am a heart warrior, and possibly a heart mom. Instead of chocolate, I think I shall return to bed.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Things Are Different Now

I am 37 years old and my life has just begun. Many days, I feel I am infantile in my learning process, which is rightly so; this life is all about gaining wisdom and knowledge but it's length is but the blink of an eye in the eternal perspective. I like to think that my 20's were my growing up years and my 30's are my years to gain wisdom. What will my 40's hold?

Things are different now. It has only been in the past few weeks that I have begun to realize how much I have learned since my heart was restored 10 months ago. Last night, as my mother-in-law was visiting from out of state and, along with her mother, we discussed some thoughts on mothering and parenting, I could almost hear what these wonderful ladies were thinking, "Jenny finally gets it! She has finally grown up." I nearly called them out on thinking those things, but decided to just leave it alone. One thing I have noticed since my heart was declared strong and healthy is how much I see things differently now... how much more life means to me.

Things are different now. The struggle of being a healthy mom has been more difficult than I thought it would be. As I have shared here, I have walked a road of feeling lost in who I am. It was almost easy when I was dying, because I knew what I had to get done. Yet... why not do those things still? I want to help my children to their chores. I want to homeschool! I want to teach them right from wrong! Everyday, I look at my children and husband with this deep, abiding love. in awe, I wonder that if I can love them so deeply, how much greater is the love of our Savior and Father in Heaven for these souls. How can a love be greater than that of a mother? If it is the love of our Creators, then it is so.

Things are different now. I still do not have my energy restored to 100% capacity. That will still take some time. What I do have is my ability to love reaching beyond depths I never imagined. What if, when my heart was fixed, God placed in it more love than I could experience before? Perhaps in my physical healing, a spiritual healing took place, one where the Atonement was truly procured by a soul, my soul, that I did not even realize was aching.

Things are different now. All I want to do is love, serve, create. Before, I looked for reasons to be angry, to feed an unhappiness that resulted from poor self-esteem I did not even realize I struggled with. Now, I desire to keep this smile on my face all the time. Do I lose my temper? Yep! Now I am quicker to apologize and ask forgiveness. Do I make mistakes? All the time! Yet, my desire to change and be better comes from opening my heart and receiving the Grace of God rather than "just doing the right thing".

Things are different now. Now I am willing to learn from my mistakes; I am willing to feel the Love and Grace of God; I am willing to allow my heart to love in ways it would not have before. The more I love, the more I serve, the more I count my blessings, the more my heart loves, grows, functions in ways unknown to Man.

Yes, things are different now and for this, I am grateful.

My name is Jenny McKinney. Things are different. I am different .... and I already had chocolate today.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Letter of Thanks

(Written 6/17/2014)

To my Heavenly Father-
Thank You for the beauty of my life. Today, I was able to bring little children into my home and give them so much love. In return, I received a bosom full of joy. As little children are so tender to You, I rejoice that I was able to see them through Your eyes.

Thank You for the home that we call ours, for however long we are here. It may not be a mansion, but it is our palace, as I work hard to make it as such. I am grateful for the creativity I have been blessed with to make it welcoming for all those who enter here.

Thank You for the food we have on our table. We often eat humble meals, but we have more than most in this world. How can I complain?

Thank you for the love that fills our home each day. Our children are healthy and happy. Our marriage is strong. All these things are because we have done as You ask and center our lived around Your Son, Jesus Christ, and put others first whenever possible. This has brought us joy.

Thank You for the friends that surround us. We may not go to parties each week. We may not be able to take lavish vacations with our neighbors, but we know where we can turn if a need arises. We know in whom we can put our trust.

Thank You for helping us find opportunities to serve. Whether it be at church, in our community, or in our home, our hearts grow each time we give of ourselves freely. In this, we can rejoice.

Most of all, for me, thank You for the gift of my life, in which has been spared. You did not just mend my heart, You healed it. Now, I may continue to live life to the fullest and love to my greatest capacity.

Your loving daughter,

(Now.... where can I go find some chocolate?)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Shaky Knees, Strong Heart

Two weeks ago, I had a sudden pain in my left knee- one that would not leave, no matter what I did. Concerned that I pinched a nerve like I had in my other knee years ago, I did my best to rest it. I put a knee brace on, occasionally taking it off to ice it. After a couple of days of this interruption in my life, I finally borrowed a set of crutches. I just could not put pressure directly on it. Should I have gone to a doctor? Maybe. Did I? No. A good friend brought me over some all-natural pain patches. Those I was willing try. As you may know by now, I am not a fan of medication, so the all-natural Class 1 Medical Device patches appealed to me. They brought enough relief that I was able to be off the crutches by the next day and I thought I was good to go. (I am grateful to my family for not making goat noises while I painfully gimped around the house.)

Two days ago, I went for a walk- a little over a mile. Everything was fine. That evening, I pushed things a bit and went for a... gulp... jog. Not my brightest moment, that was for sure. I barely covered half a mile when the pain decided to come back full force. Sigh.

Yesterday, things were feeling rather fine until my dog decided to walk next to me and knock me off balance. When I tried to catch myself from falling, I stepped down hard on my left leg, causing the pain to shoot through my knee like a lightening bolt zaps an evergreen. Thankfully, my hubby caught me before I could totally fall to the ground.

As I have been feeling things out for my future goal of running a marathon, my kind husband pointed out that with my knee struggles (that I have had problems with since my childhood) perhaps I should plan on walking the marathon, instead of running it. I told him pointedly that walking it would take too long. He patiently replied that running it may be putting too much pressure on my knee and I am risking serious damage to it. I wondered how long it would take to walk a marathon.

On Sunday morning, I was studying what members of my Church call "The Lord's Law of Health" or "The Word of Wisdom." Especially since my diagnosis and since my one year "heartiversary" is approaching, I have been particularly interested in strengthening my newly functioning heart. In a sacred blessing I was once given, I was promised that if I live the Lord's Law of Health, my body would function properly and I would be able to overcome the illnesses and sickness that I would experience in this life. This makes me rejoice! With a little time and a little more recovery, I know my heart can withstand the marathon. What about my knees, though? They are rather shaky these days!

I have decided to trust in the blessings of God and move forward with this marathon goal. I am going to research out knee-strengthening exercises and focus on making them strong. Once I do that, I know I can do this! It will not be this year as I originally planned, as I am learning to slow down and proceed with caution, but I will accomplish my goal! I may have shaky knees now, but my heart is strong and like the Lord provided a way for my heart to be healed, so He shall with my knees.

My name is Jenny McKinney. My heart is strong and I really want some chocolate! (It's breakfast time. I wonder if I can find some around here.)

Friday, May 30, 2014

Living for the Future

Note: The following is a sacred experience that is precious to me, but I feel prompted to share this day. Please do not comment anything negative or mocking to my personal beliefs.

It has been quite a journey- finding my place after my heart was mended. More than I ever imagined, I have struggled in ways I was not prepared for. Yesterday brought a sweet experience to this hurting soul. In my religion, we believe in the laying on of hands, as Christ did in the Bible. It was a few months ago that my bishop (the minister of our local congregation) used this ordinance to relay a beautiful message and blessing from my Heavenly Father. I felt so much peace and knew that my life had been spared for a purpose. Yet, I still struggled. My faith was not great enough to fully accept those promises in that moment. I still battled this unseen force that seem to want me to be lost in a world of darkness. Yesterday, that changed.

I attended an ordinance session at our area temple seeking peace as my beloved aunt was preparing to pass away to the heavens, and searching for that strength that I knew I had somewhere inside. After having a beautiful experience involving my aunt's passing, I was then given a breath of renewed hope and strength for my own mortal journey. I did not realize how much the darkness had been plaguing me until I stepped into that sacred House of God and left the cares of the world behind. It was there that this message of love was shared- and finally accepted. In one moment, I felt the Spirit whisper to me, "Your life has been spared for a reason. Stop being afraid to live!"

So long had I been planning to leave this life that for all these months post-op I have been afraid to live again. No more! From this moment on, the darkness will no longer take hold of me! I will embrace life! I will seize the day! I will look for opportunities to teach others about CHD's, to share my gifts of music and service and most of all, to love my family and make memories with them as often as I can! THIS is the life I have been given to live! THIS is the time I have been given to live it!  THIS is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice in this day and be glad of it! (See Psalm 118:24)

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am grateful my life that I shall live and... I really do not want any
chocolate this morning. (I had some last night, though!) :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

That Weird Thing Again....

Dear God: 

I have not posted on here in quite some time. There is a reason for that... my heart is healthy!

Sometimes, I feel my heart doing that "weird thing again," as I tell DH. When he asks what it's doing, I smile and say, "Beating normally." It is still so foreign to me because for years all I could feel was the skipped heart beats, the palpitations, the A-Fib moments. Now, I do not pay attention because it is beating so strong and healthy! Once in a while, in a quiet moment, I really feel that healthy beat and once again, I am in awe of a God who lead the doctors to mending my broken heart. 

In a few days, I will reach my 9-month heart healthy anniversary. Three months from now, I will be hitting my year mark. I never thought I would go a whole year where I would not worry about collapsing, being out of breath just from sitting up, having a heart attack..... dying. Truth be told, I still do worry sometimes. What if this is not as real as I think it is? What if the doctors missed something? What if I relapse? 

Then, I remember that on August 12, 2013, God granted me a miracle. A real miracle!! I had people all over the world fasting and praying for me, for my heart to be whole, and He gave me that!! What does that say about my faith if I doubt? My heart is not just mended, it is WHOLE!!! For that, I am grateful and will celebrate my life everyday! 

Everyday, I am working on taking a few moments to listen to my heartbeat, for when I hear it beating strongly, I know that God is real. 

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am strong, I am whole. No chocolate is necessary to know that!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Road to.... Regret??

"Regret" has a question mark next to it because I am not yet sure if that is exactly how I am feeling. Maybe it is more of a let down. When I share this with you, for those of you whom I talk to on a regular basis, please do not dish out the "I-told-you-so" comments. I already have realized my choices were not the best. Now I have to decide what to do about them.

It has been exactly seven months and three days since I was wheeled into the heart lab for my surgery. Seven months later, I am rather... surprised with how I feel. Let me give you a little back story so you will understand.

I am a thinker, a dreamer, but mostly a doer. I am one that if I see something that needs to be done, I will just jump in and do it. This is great, but sometimes can be one's downfall. One year ago, I was in the middle of my musical production that I wrote and directed. Truth: Although my health was very poor then, many days I felt better then than I do now. (Grammatical friends, please tell me I used those two homophones correctly! I really concentrated in writing them!) ;)

Here is the thing: Three months ago, when Dr. B said my heart was 100% good to go and I could now do anything I want, I really thought that meant I could do anything. He reminded me it could take a good year before my energy was restored to its full capacity. I have taken time to rest, I really have. I have more energy than I have had in years. I have been careful, especially when exercising, to listen to my heart. I have taken days off at a time from workouts and running because I could not shake the fatigue that has been hanging onto me since August 12 or the pain that I sometimes still have. I have been increasing my energy shakes and resting as needed. I have been eating a lot better (although I still eat chocolate). Since the time change, I am not sleeping as long at night, but even before that, I felt a little funky. Am I doing a lot? Well, sure! I am a wife, mother, a homeschool teacher, and music composer! I do not sit around all day watching tv, because I have laundry to switch and a closet to organize and a song to write. I cannot just stop living because I am a bit tired. So, I go until I feel like I need to stop, and usually, I do.

Here is the struggle: I really, truly thought that when I was told my heart is fine and I could just... go, I was supposed to hit 100% right then! I know it might sound silly, but my reasoning was, "My heart is fine. I have been sick for a long time and now I am better. When I tell people my heart is now fine, they will probably expect me to behave full of life and energy, not be tired still. If I tell my kids my heart ok and they see me still resting a lot or not be on my feet all the time, they are going to worry that something is still wrong. So, I just need to jump in with both feet. I need to be at 100% capacity right now, because.... my heart is fine."

Now... the part that makes me want to cry:
I. Was. Wrong.

Oh, I do not cry because I was wrong, but because I worry about letting down others. How can it be 7 months later and I feel like I need to rest more now than just after the surgery? How can it be 7 months later and I am having chest pains again, albeit not nearly as bad as before I was in the heart surgeon's hands? How can I go back and reverse the decisions I have made? Am I going to let people down? I hate being a disappointment to others. It is not in my nature. The hardest part... I do not think that I can do this marathon..... YET. I really hope this does not let down those heart families I am representing. I would never want to disappoint them.

Now, I AM going to run a marathon. I have followed the training schedule and I know that I can do it by fall as a runner, but not as a heart patient. I am not going to be ready by fall because.... here is the truth I am finally admitting to myself... I am still healing! Yes, yes, I know that many of you have been telling me that. I get it. I know you were right but so was I. I was right to try to do what I could for the stability of my family and for my sanity. Now, though, my truth is that.... it is too soon. It is just too soon. I have done my very best and I am working towards that ultimate goal, but I have to do it when my heart tells me it's ok to push myself. I will still run for those kiddos that cannot do it themselves. I am going to protect my heart and for once, put myself first, and push off the marathon date. The thought of letting anyone down makes me want to weep, but if I am to be true to myself, and honor the body God gave me, I cannot push anymore. For the first time, probably ever, I am going to slow down, because... I need to.

This decision has been SO hard to make. If I want my heart to stay healthy and strong, I know that this is what I have to do... I have to detour a bit is all. I have chosen to honor myself, and in that, honor the God that created me. This is the only body I have, so I will do all I can to help it function the way He intends for it to... well.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I will live with faith, not regret and... I really want some chocolate.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Getting My Heart Craft On

I am super, duper excited! I have been working hard to get all my crafting items organized and I am pretty much there. As soon as I can find my scissors (which I have been looking for in the endless realm of storage room boxes) I can begin sewing and crafting! The thing I am most excited about is that I will be making heart crafts to share with my heart family! We will be using them as gifts for the doctors, nurses, and all those supporting our heart families. :) Crafting and serving- two of my favorite things combined! I cannot wait to get started! For some ideas of what I will be making, check out my Love Day Pinterest page!
My name is Jenny McKinney. I am a craftaholic and... I just ate chocolate cookies. (Gluten free!)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Significance of 132

132... and ordinary number.... usually. Not to me. Not anymore.

Back on August 11th, the day before I was scheduled for my heart surgery to get the ICD for my ARVD (there are a LOT of initials in the heart world), I awoke from a dead sleep to a rate of 110 bpm. Dr. B had told me that if my heart rate got to 120, I would go into Sudden Cardiac Death. Waking up to that heart rate was a little.... terrifying. Of course, we know how this all turned out and I am here.

Why 132? What is so significant about that number? As I have been working towards my goal of marathon training I have had to learn to walk for long periods of time, then slowly add in jogging, so not to push my heart too hard. Yes, I have been given the "all-clear" to do what I want, but one thing I was told is to listen to my body. I still do not have all my strength back, although it has been just over 6 months. "It could take a year," is what Dr. B told me. Each time I go out to run (it really is jogging but apparently that counts as running) I listen to my heart and if she tells me I can run a little further, I do. On Tuesday this week, I reached a new milestone of TWO miles! Of course I walked part of that, but I am now up to two miles! At the end of that run, my heart rate was.... can you guess?..... 132 bpm!! Guess what? I felt GREAT! I may have been out of breath, jello legged, and walking by the end, but I was ALIVE!

Little by little everyday, I am finding more strength. I still have to rest sometimes and that is OK! The important thing is I keep trying... I keep working towards my goal. I hit a new milestone on the scale today. Positive changes are happening! Great things are happening! I can do this, because God makes the impossible.... possible!

My name is Jenny McKinney. I am ALIVE and I really don't want chocolate today.... not yet. ;)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

love takes hold

heavy heart
lonely soul
wanting to
take control

healthy now
at least in heart
darkness lingers
will not depart

hard to know
how to fight
one might think
this is not right

my heart is strong
for the first time
yet mind is sullen
darkness abides

fighting hard
to find my place
in a world
with tempting ways

they cannot see
the tears i cry
the loneliness
i feel inside

surround myself
with people of joy
my little girl
my grown-up boys

love takes hold
God enters in
he has made me
whole again

i play a song
my heart sings
my heart now can
do anything

-Jenny McKinney

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Val...uh..... Heart Hero Week!!

For many in this country, Valentine's Day is overrated. I am not saying that because I was jilted by a lover (I watched "Wives and Daughters" this week. The word "jilted" is fresh on my mind). Nor do I say that because I am struggling with being alone. In fact, I am very blessed to have an eternal companion of 17+ years. As some struggle with not getting chocolate's or flowers (because that is the only true gifts this day, right? >eye roll<) I like to look at this holiday a bit differently. Today, as we say at our house, is "Love Day"- a day to show love- in all forms... to all people. This day is especially meaningful to those in the heart community, because this is the day we really celebrate our Heart Warriors.

I realize I have not posted everyday this CHD Week like I planned. Sometimes, life gets the best of me and I get a little pouty while I struggle. It is the stories of the Heart Heroes that has pulled me through it, though. Today, I am going to share the stories of a few Heart Warriors that I know will touch your... well, heart!

Meet Emily. She was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. This means, Emily has half a heart. How do parents of such a Heart Warrior cope with this life-changing news? Please read Emily's Story and come to understand true courage. Emily is my heart hero.

Meet Capri. She was born with Ebstein's Anomaly. I do not even know what to say about this Heart Warrior except, please have a box of tissue ready as you read her story. Start at the very beginning so you may walk in her mother's shoes, if only for a moment. She is my Heart Hero. Capri's Story

Meet Jaxton. Born with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome, Double Inlet Left Ventricle, and Pulmonary Atresia. Like all Heart Warrior stories, I cannot read them without a tissue in hand. This one is no exception. I love Jaxton's smile. He is my Heart Hero.

In reading these stories, perhaps you may realize that although today was founded upon a man who was executed, then turned commercial (like every other holiday), it can be something special and dare I say.... sacred... as we celebrate loving our Heart Hero Warriors.

My name is Jenny McKinney. I love my Heart Heroes. Now, where's my box of chocolates?

The remainder of my heart scar on my neck and
me with my new hair cut.

Oh and Happy Heart Day to me... 6 months and two days since my heart miracle.